Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on Tuesday said a fair trial for perpetrators of terror acts would be a greater punishment than the death penalty, adding that Turkish courts will prosecute those “not in revenge, but with justice.”
Yildirim said, “Death penalty is immediate death, however, there are greater deaths for them, which is objective and fair judgment.”
Last month’s failed coup attempt that the Turkish government believes perpetrated by members of Fethullah Terrorist Organisation (FETO) left 240 people dead and nearly 2,200 injured.
Since then, support for bringing back the death penalty has increased in Turkey.
Yildirim said, “Turkish justice will bring terrorist organisations to account for our martyrs.”
He referred to Monday’s PKK car bomb attack against a traffic police station in Turkey’s southeastern province of Diyarbakir, which martyred one child and five police officers.
Yildirim said PKK serves the same purpose as FETO, the terrorist organisation led by US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, who is accused of orchestrating the July 15 coup attempt.
“These two terror organisations made quite a lot of efforts to turn Turkey into a country like Iraq, Syria, or Egypt, both before July 15 and later.”
PKK is listed as a terrorist organisation by Turkey, US and the EU.
About a possible reinstatement of the death penalty in Turkey for those involved in the defeated coup, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated his stance that the decision would be left up to Turkish lawmakers in the parliament.
Erdogan repeatedly has said he would approve reinstating the death penalty if parliament approves it.
Such a penalty could be imposed on Gulen as well, who is accused of leading a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police and judiciary, forming what is commonly known as a parallel state.
Since the deadly coup attempt, Turkish government has been clearing the state institutions off FETO members.
Yildirim assured citizens not to be anxious about such steps.
“Those Muslim people who have been doing charity work warm-heartedly have nothing to do with these terror organisations.
“We need to settle a score with those who exploited such good feelings and who took money from our citizens for charity work, but used it to attack on people with arms, tanks, and planes.”
Yildirim said they would definitely differentiate between the innocent and the guilty, but admitted it will not be easy.
The Turkish PM said once more that the terror attacks, including the deadly July 15 coup attempt, did not hit Turkey’s economy, adding that both the banking and finance sectors have been operating well.
Pointing out that Turkey is available for investments, he said an economic stimulus package was on the way to enliven the economy.
“Let’s not allow terrorists to drive the agenda of Turkey anymore. Let’s focus on our economy and developing the country more.”
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