Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan held a video call on Friday with the family of a girl brainwashed by the terrorist group PKK to join them.
Parents and the grandmother of the unnamed 16-year-old girl were present at the video call. Savcı Sayan, mayor of the eastern province of Ağrı where the family lives, also attended the call.
The girl’s father asked Erdoğan to “bring his daughter back” while Erdoğan assured him that soldiers and police were working hard to save children abducted by the terrorist group. “Some were reunited with their families and we expect more to be reunited. By God’s will, we will succeed,” Erdoğan told the father. “Your daughter, is our daughter too,” he added.
Though they had to leave the original site of the sit-in due to the coronavirus pandemic, a group of families have been staging a protest since last year against the terrorist group which brainwashes and recruits youth from mainly Kurdish families in eastern and southeastern Turkey. The sit-in protest outside a branch of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır, soon grew with more families joining. A number of PKK members whose parents joined the sit-in managed to flee the terrorist group and reunite with them since then.
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