The shooting of an upcoming Pakistani film highlighting the historical relations between Pakistan and Turkey has ended. The film will be released in March, according to the film director. The film “Bear Witness,” or “Gawah Rehna” has been shot in Urdu and will be dubbed in Turkish with the title “Şahit Ol.”
“Shooting of the upcoming Pakistani film has finished and is now in the post-production phase,” writer and director Tahir Mahmood told Anadolu Agency (AA). Mahmood is also a Foreign Ministry official who served in the Pakistan Embassy in Ankara, Turkey’s capital.
The film highlights the role Muslims from the sub-continent played in Turkey’s struggle against imperial forces. “This feature film depicts the era of 1920 when British rule was at its peak in the sub-continent, and even at its peak, our forefathers defied British rule and started a mass movement called the historical Khilafat Movement to help their Turkish brothers and sisters in their struggle against the colonial forces,” Mahmood said. It pays rich tribute to the great Turkish leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk as well as to the brave Turkish nation, he added.
The cast includes Qavi Khan, Emmad Irfani, Ghana Ali, Rabya Kulsoom, Rehan Nazim and Faisal Imtiaz. A talented Turkish actor, Mert Şişmanlar, plays the role of a British army officer which, the film director said, is an important character for the movie. “This film will be a source of further strengthening the bonds between Pakistan and Turkey nationals as it will highlight the unparalleled love and brotherhood that exists among the two countries,” Mahmood said.
He also said during his service in Ankara, he thought of producing a film to show the historical bonds between Pakistan and Turkey to younger generations. During the shoot, the cast and the crew celebrated Turkish Republic Day on Oct. 29, Mahmood said.
The film is set to be released in March in both countries.
Last Updated on Jan 20, 2020 5:21 pm
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