Pera Learning is holding photography workshops for adults as part of the exhibition “A Road Story: 180 Years of Photography.” The first workshop, led by Cemil Batur Gökçeer, encourages participants to find their own unique way of expression while urging them to think about different styles in photography. The second workshop, led by Murat Germen, whose works are included in the exhibition, invites photography enthusiasts to explore alternative forms of expression to the two-dimensional representation of photography using the sizing technique.
The Pera Museum Learning Program continues to bring artists from different disciplines together with art lovers as part of “Artist Workshops.” As part of the photography workshops, inspired by Pera Museum’s current exhibition “A Road Story: 180 Years of Photography,” adults 18 and over will produce side by side with the artists after visiting the exhibition accompanied by the workshop leaders.
The first workshop “Spider: Style in Photography” will be held on Jan. 10 under the leadership of Cemil Batur Gökçeer, and the second workshop “Adding Another Dimension to Photography” will be held on Feb. 28 under the leadership of Murat Germen who has photographed Cairo, Alexandria, Cairo, Luxor and Suez for “A Road Story: 180 Years of Photography.”
The workshop “Spider: Style in Photography” focuses on the relationship between the 10 photographers in the “A Road Story: 180 Years of Photography” established with the places they produce and the way they handle their subjects. As part of the exhibition tour to be held with the workshop leader, participants will chat about the styles of photographers in the exhibition. After the exhibition tour, each participant will readdress a selection of their own travel photographs in the light of new discussions about style and try to create their own language of expression. The first workshop, which is an exercise for participants to find their style, starts at 7:30 p.m. Participants are expected to bring their photos of trips, discovery and travels from the past to the present.
In the two-hour “Adding Another Dimension to Photography” workshop, where alternative forms of expression and the two-dimensional representation of photography will be explored, the participants will learn to add dimension to their own photographs through different materials together with photographer Murat Germen. The photos will be sized using materials such as model cardboard, wooden slats, fasteners and thread. The workshop, scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 28, will encourage participants to reflect on how adding layers and dimensions to photographic representation can diversify and enhance the viewer’s perception.
Last Updated on Jan 02, 2020 5:44 pm
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