Della Miles, a world-renowned vocalist from the United States, has implemented the “Della’s Kids Club” project for students in Turkey, at a time in which education has been suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic. As part of the project, Miles will teach English three days a week to students aged 3-10 via her Instagram account “dellamilesofficial” and her official website.
Known in the music world as Michael Jackson’s vocalist for many years, Miles moved to the Dalyan neighborhood of Ortaca district in Turkey’s southwestern Muğla province in 2018. Miles, who converted to Islam last September, is now preparing to teach children.
Having spent most of her time in Turkey in recent years, Miles started to stay at her home in Dubai due to the coronavirus outbreak. The singer recently announced the “Della’s Kids Club” project she intends to implement for Turkish children.
“Due to the outbreak, education in Turkey has been suspended. All children have to spend their precious time inside houses. So, I have a surprise for all the children between the ages of 3 and 10. Let us teach our children the English alphabet and English songs these days when we all have to stay in our homes together. Now let all parents bring their children together with me on these specified days and hours,” Miles said.
Miles, who is also a sociologist and a lawyer who is an expert in reintigrating imprisoned children into society, emphasized that she is combining education with her love of music, noting: “Unfortunately, we can shoot English education videos in a small corner of our house only with love, as we cannot go out on the streets. Let us have fun and learn.”
Last Updated on Apr 13, 2020 4:27 pm
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